Monday, June 4, 2007

Love poetry

Sometime before my rest I was thinking

With the shadows concealing my thoughts

Behind clouds of dissemblance I pondered

And used up many a words

The feeling that roared through my being

Was one we did not quite expect.

Buried, forgotten by one of my halves

And hidden with the hate of reject.

The other, more calmly, rationed it out.

And brought up a solution to this.

“Write an unpolished gemstone, my Duke,”

He laughed and spoke with a hiss.

The gemstone was seeded,

And as though preordained

My feelings have blossomed

And so it remained

Allow me to start by reviewing what was

Fate is hateful and fickle, and rarely nice

And yet luck was with me- one autumn day

As I rolled high numbers on destiny’s dice

I cannot describe what went through my mind

The time that we first have met

I do not remember much of that day

Something I’ve come to regret

I look upon you, and drink in what I see

Your eyes are amazing, the pools of azure

Look into them, these oceans of blue

Filled with many a gemstone, ever so pure.

Your smile! Indeed! A story to tell

I’d spend hours to think of a way

To make it appear for a moment,

Even if I succeed once a day

Forgive me my daring descriptions

Milady’s figure- beautiful art

I do not wish to be lewd to you

But it certainly speeds up my heart

I would think you’d assume me a fool

If my passion remained still outside

Allow me to inform you- that’s wrong

To continue on the inside

Your passion for writing of others

Is a trait not that often possessed

With books I admire that you’ve read

And with some just as highly obsessed

Knowledge of theater contained by you

Seems to rival many of others

This subject with you, much like a gate

That leads to gold of acting brothers

But this is not why I do write this

Yes, partially, to compliment, well

See the second passage of this piece

Yet there is something else I will tell

The feeling I mentioned earlier

Is a state I cannot well describe

It is this irrational feeling

But for this I will step on my pride

It makes me long for <4>

I love the pleasing sound of your name

I beg forgiveness for this thinking

To wanting you despite being lame

I hope that a sense of alarming

Will not make you be driven away

If this emotion I have is love

Then by wanting too much I will pay

I regret saying this- I feel bad

I desired to say this better

But this gem was all I have carved

I profess my love with this letter

My heart is bared, my soul has been shown

And my feelings for you are bare to the bone.

Sonnet I

As I sit in the night, writing away

Staring at a picture, bringing me joy

I have sought to see you all of the day

And to look at your smile, ever so coy

Many a thing demands recognition

And devotion to work is such a thing

Pride in your actions, your soul’s emission

And to your future, success it will bring

Thus I wish to commend thee and praise thee

Et chanter une chanson pour tu, bijou

Knowing of you, it is easy to see

Your ethic is why I’m smitten with you

Relishing snow, your picture I see

Inside it warms me, and fills me with glee

Lord of Iron

A statue of cold vision and logic
The Lord of Iron is chained to his throne
Paralyzed with broken mental bindings
With a mind like a bad crystalline stone

He looks at the future- what does he see?
A dilemma is present before him
Two paths winding ahead in the distance
Despite his efforts, the future looks grim

One path leads to total oblivion
This one is very easy to follow
Not to seek greatness, not to seek glory
In obscurity forever wallow

The other one is obliteration
Starting with fame and ending with power
With humanity- the cost he must pay
Sending worlds groveling to a cower

One to make him a horrible monster
Or to a miserable null- nothing
And no third option to unburden him
The Lord of Iron seeks for a something